1. Be prepared by writing down your questions and concerns in advance, so you remember everything you want to discuss with your doctor.

2. Please arrive on time. With younger children, you may need to allow more time to get everyone in the car and buckled up, etc. If do end up running late, please call our office.

3. Take notes while with your doctor. When you receive instructions about your child’s care, be sure you understand everything and don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions if you’re unclear about anything.

4. Be honest with your child’s doctor. This is incredibly important. Your Doctor can provide excellent care and support for your child’s health and wellness journey if they know the whole story. Don’t withhold information and remember that honesty cultivates mutual respect.

5. Share information about other medical treatments and hospital visits. Be sure to tell your doctor if your child has seen another doctor, or visited a District Health Centre.

6. Share your child’s journey with your pediatrician. We love to keep in touch, and thoroughly enjoy receiving hand-coloured pictures, cards, photos or whatever items our young patients wish to share.